All About Online Tennis Games

The game of tennis is believed to have originated back in the 12th century in Northern France. We know it began to advance into something more familiar to the modern version back around the mid 1800s. Today, of course, it’s a very popular sport that can be found in countries all across the world. So if you’d like to play tennis online games, you’ll be in good company. Our site has three main types of these games, we’re sure you’ll enjoy:

  • Singles Games
  • Doubles Games
  • Skill Set Games
  • Themed Games

Singles Games

Singles games sound exactly like what they are and are based on the type of tennis of the same name that is played in real life. It’s just you and an opponent on the other side of the court going at it. However, there are a couple of different ways this type of setup can work when you’re playing tennis flash games. One way is for the perspective to always be behind your player so that you can see their entire body, the court out in front of them and your opponent on the other side. This perspective basically never changes as you two battle for supremacy. The other common way this game works is pretty much the same except that, when you change sides, the perspective stays put. That means that when you and your opponent are at odd games, you switch sides by the perspective doesn’t. So you’ll be playing some games where you’re actually looking at the front of your player’s body and the back of your opponent. This can add a bit of an extra challenge to the game as left will now move your opponent right and so forth.

Doubles Games

Like singles, these types of tennis online games follow the basic structure of their real life counterparts. So you basically have a partner and the two of you play against two other players at the other end of the court. For tennis flash games, though, you’re rarely in control of the other player, nor is any other human being. This means you need to be especially adept at playing well so your CPU player doesn’t end up being the weak link in your game.
As we explained above, sometimes, the perspective will move with your team as you change sides of the court and other times it will stay where it’s at, forcing you to take on a bit of an extra challenge. Playing doubles by itself adds more of a challenge to the game because you suddenly have less court you’re able to hit to without a member of the opposing team hitting the ball back. Even with the extra lanes open, it’s not a ton of extra space and you’re still forced to serve to the same portion as when you’re playing singles.
Just like in real life, it’s also possible that your CPU character simply won’t be as good as you—or your opponents, sometimes—meaning you’ll really need to put some work in if you want to overcome the odds being stacked against you. While this will definitely be frustrating at times, it’s the good kind that makes the game a fun challenge.

Skill Set Games

Another way to enjoy tennis free games is by taking on different skill sets and accomplishing specific goals. So, for example, some games will challenge you by only rewarding you for using your backhand to knock down certain targets. Obviously, your backhand will need to be in pretty good shape if you’re hoping to do well. Other games will only give you points for how many serves get past an opponent as an ace.
These games are a lot of fun because they change the rules you’re used to for tennis. However, a lot of people also enjoy them because they can help build your specific skill set. Even if it’s two different games altogether, your eye-hand coordination will benefit.

Themed Games

Themed games are the furthest away from traditional tennis games. Still, they’re a favorite type of tennis free games for their very novelty and simply how much fun they are to play. These games take the traditional form of the sport and then add in fun extra features to keep it interesting. So, for example, our site has Football Tennis, Hip Hop Tennis and Beach Tennis amongst many others.

These games all take the basic principles you’re used to in tennis games and then find a way to make them more fun by messing with the formula. So football tennis, for example, puts two opponents against one another on a normal looking clay court with a net between them.

However, then it goes and replaces the tennis ball with a football, removes the rackets and makes players use their feet! In Crazy Tennis, the principles are the same, but this time you need to learn how to play the game as a prehistoric creature! Are you beginning to see why this can be so much fun?

So no matter what your favorite method is, if you like playing tennis, Sport Games Hub is the place for you. We have a number of games that represent the fun versions mentioned above.